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The Online Copy Request, Certified Copy Request, and Request Records Search programs will no longer be available as of Thursday, January 16th, at 5:00 PM.

We’re excited to announce that new and improved services are coming soon. Stay tuned for updates!

Family Law Self-Help Packets

Self-Help form packets generally include a group of fillable forms that are required to be completed in order to either begin or complete a case.

Divorce, Legal Separation or Nullity

To end a marriage or registered domestic partnership in California you must either file for a divorce or an annulment. Once completed it restores the parties to single status.

A legal separation is for couples who do not want to divorce but want to live apart. It does not end a marriage. You cannot remarry or enter in a domestic partnership if you are legally separated.

For more information on Divorce Legal Separation and Nullity, see the Divorce or Separation Page.

Form Packet Name Description Form Links Resources
Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage Start a divorce, legal separation, or nullity case.



Referencia en Español
Response to Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage Respond (answer) a divorce, legal separation, or nullity petition.



Referencia en Español
Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage

Start a divorce by agreement. Requirements:

  • No children together
  • Married 5 years or less
  • Owe no more than $6,000.



Information Packet (external site)

Paquete de información

Financial Disclosure Packet

*These forms are already included in our Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage packet and our Response to Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage packet listed above.

Complete and file in order to satisfy the legal requirements concerning disclosure of all assets, debts and financial

information for a divorce, legal separation, or nullity case.

Dissolution Default Judgment

Complete a divorce or legal separation case.


  • No Response (FL-120) is filed.
Dissolution Default Judgment - With Signed Agreement

Complete a divorce or legal separation case.  


  • No Response (FL-120) is filed.
  • Both parties have an agreement.
Dissolution Judgment by Agreement

Complete a divorce or legal separation case.


  • Response (FL-120) is filed.


A Paternity case is a legal action filed by an unmarried mother or unmarried father to establish who is the legal father of a child or children. In order to get child support or a custody and visitation order unmarried parents must first establish paternity. 

For more information on Custody and Visitation, see the Families and Children.

Form Packet Name Description Form Links Resources
Petition to Determine Parental Relationship Start a court case and ask for orders concerning custody, visitation, name change, and child support. English  
Response to Determine Parental Relationship Respond to a petition to determine parental relationship.  The responding parent can ask for orders concerning custody, visitation, child support, genetic (DNA) tests, or name change concerning the minor child(ren). English  
Paternity Default Judgment

Complete a parentage case.


  • No Response (FL-220) is filed.
Paternity Judgment by Agreement

Complete a parentage case.


  • Response (FL-220) is filed

Other Family Law Cases

Form Packet Name Description Form Links Resources
Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children Married Couples want the court to make custody and visitation orders and other orders. English  
Response to Custody and Support of Minor Children Respond (answer) to a married Couples want the court make custody and visitation orders and other orders. English  

Domestic Violence Restraining Order

A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship with.

You can ask for a domestic violence restraining order if:

1. A person has abused (or threatened to abuse) you;


2. You have a close relationship with that person. You are:

  • Married or registered domestic partners,
  • Divorced or separated,
  • Dating or used to date,
  • Living together or used to live together (more than roommates),
  • Parents together of a child, OR
  • Closely related (parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, in-law).
Form Packet Name Description Form Links Resources
Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (with Children) Restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship with minor children



Complete Forms Online (external site)

Referencia en Español

Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (without Children) Restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship without minor children



Complete Forms Online (external site)

Referencia en Español

Answer to Domestic Violence Restraining Order Answer (respond) Restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship without minor children English Complete Forms Online (External site)

Other Family Law Packets

Form Packet Name Description Forms Links Resources
Request for Order (Non-Emergency) Schedule a court hearing and ask the court to make new orders or to change orders in a case.



Video: How to schedule a hearing?
Request for Emergency Order Schedule an emergency court hearing and ask the court to make new orders or to change orders in a case.



Video: How do I file a Request for Temporary Emergency Orders?

Video: ¿Como presento una Solicitud de Ordenes de Emergencia Temporales?

Request for Order Regarding Overdue Support Schedule a court hearing and ask the court to enter a judgment for overdue child and/or spousal support not paid. English  
Responsive Declaration to Request for Order Response to Request for Order forms. English  
Service by Email for Department Child Support Services (DCSS) Serve court documents on the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) by email. English  
Income Withholding Order for Support An order the court will sign to allow a party to garnish the paychecks or income sources of a party ordered to pay monthly child support or spousal support. English Information Packet (external site)
Spousal Support Declaration The factors the court will consider in establishing or modifying spousal/partner support. English  
Request to Waive Court Fees Request to the court to waive filing fees, copy fees, or other court fees. English Information Packet (external site)

Mandatory Settlement Conference (MSC)

  • Trial Readiness Conference (TRC)

English (MSC)

How Do I Prepare for an MSC?
Income and Expense Declaration   English

Complete Form Online (external site)

Referencia en Español

How to Separate the forms from my packet? Instructions on how to separate Self Help packets, to be able to eSubmit.   Video: How to Separate the forms from my packet?