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The Online Copy Request, Certified Copy Request, and Request Records Search programs will no longer be available as of Thursday, January 16th, at 5:00 PM.

We’re excited to announce that new and improved services are coming soon. Stay tuned for updates!

Child Custody Evaluations - Information for Evaluators

Filing Child Custody Evaluator Reports

Once an evaluator has been appointed to a case, he or she must file a Declaration of Private Child Custody Evaluator Regarding Qualifications (FL-326) (external site pdf ) with the court stating they meet the minimum education, experience and training requirements. The declaration must be filed within 10 days of the appointment and prior to initiating evaluation services on a case in accordance with Local Rule 5175 (F) (pdf ).

Evaluation reports should contain information consistent with Family Code Section 3118. The Riverside court offers a Child Custody Evaluation Report template (RI-FL006) (pdf ) or the Judicial Council offers form FL-329 Confidential Child Custody Evaluation Report (external site pdf ) both for optional use; however, all reports must be accompanied by a Notice Regarding Confidentiality of Child Custody Evaluation Report (FL-328) (external site pdf ).

Child Custody Evaluator Resource Lists

If you would like to apply to be on the court’s resource list(s) for child custody evaluators, or if you are already on the list(s) and would like to submit updated information, please complete the 3111/3118 Evaluator Application and/or the 730 Evaluator Application as appropriate (a separate application is required for 3111/3118 evaluators and 730 evaluators). You must complete each of the following forms as part of the application process;

Child Custody Evaluator applications can be mailed or emailed to the Family Court Services Manager at:

Riverside Family Law Court
4175 Main Street 2nd floor
Riverside, CA 92501

Evaluator Resource lists are updated annually or as needed. Once your application has been received you will receive a response from the Family Court Services manager.