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Probate Court Information

Probate court laws protect the interests of individuals involved in probate court matters. These include the administration of an estate after someone dies, and the protection of the rights of minors or mentally incapacitated individuals.

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Procedures that can be used to manage the assets and debts of a decedent, and / or to obtain authority to distribute the assets to those entitled to receive them.

For more information visit the Self Help Decedent's Estates, Wills and Trusts page.

A guardianship is a court case in which a person who is not the parent of a child asks for custody of the child, the power to manage the child’s property, or both.

For more information visit the Self Help Guardianship page.

A conservatorship is a court case in which a judge appoints a family member, friend or other responsible person (called a conservator) to care for another adult who cannot care for him or herself (called a conservatee).

For more information visit the Self Help Conservatorship page.

When a minor has a disputed claim for damages, money or other property and does not have a guardian of the estate, the following persons have the right to compromise, or execute a covenant not to sue on or a covenant not to enforce judgment on, the claim, unless the claim is against such person or persons:

  • Either parent if the parents of the minor are not living separate and apart.
  • The parent having the care, custody, or control of the minor if the parents of the minor are living separate and apart.

The compromise or covenant is valid only after it has been approved, upon the filing of a petition, by the superior court of either of the following counties:

  • The county where the minor resides when the petition is filed.
  • Any county where suit on the claim or matter properly could be brought.
  • Any money or other property to be paid or delivered for the benefit of the minor pursuant to the compromise or covenant shall be paid and delivered in the manner and upon the terms and conditions specified in Chapter 4 of Probate Code Section 3600.
  • A parent having the right to compromise the disputed claim of the minor under this section may execute a full release and satisfaction, or execute a covenant not to sue on or a covenant not to enforce judgment on the disputed claim, after the money or other property to be paid or delivered has been paid or delivered.
Petitions for Minor's Compromise filed in Riverside must be filed with the Probate Division
Petitions for Minor's Compromise filed in Palm Springs must be filed with the Probate Division

Applicability: Countywide Probate Division

All ex parte matters are to be submitted to the Probate Department pursuant to Local Rule 7130. All ex parte applications are to comply with California Rules of Court 3.1200 et. seq. (and in particular 3.1203 and 3.1204), 7.55, and (if applicable) 7.454. A declaration regarding 24-hour notice to any and all parties entitled to notice is required (may use local form RI-CI014 – Declaration Regarding Notice of Ex Parte Application (pdf )). Notice requirements are strictly observed by this court.

Applications for ex parte relief are to be submitted for filing at the probate clerk’s office located:

Riverside Probate Court
4050 Main Street
Riverside, Ca. 92501

Applications filed by 10:00 a.m. in Riverside will be set for hearing at 10:00 a.m. in the assigned department the following day. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Riverside Probate Clerk’s office at 951.777.3147.

Temecula Probate Court
41002 County Center Drive #100
Temecula, Ca. 92591

Applications filed by 10:00 a.m. in Temecula will be set for hearing at 10:00 a.m. in Department T1 the following day. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Riverside Probate Clerk’s Office at 951.777.3147.

Palm Springs Court
3255 E Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA. 92262

Applications submitted by 10:00 a.m. in Palm Springs will be set for hearing on the following day at 10:00 a.m. in Department PS3. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Probate Clerk’s Office at 760.393.2617.

Required Documents to be submitted: Ex-parte petition or application, supporting declarations and memo of points and authorities, declaration regarding urgency (may be included in application), separate proposed order, declaration regarding notice to any and all parties entitled to notice. (may use local form RI-CI014 – Declaration Regarding Notice of Ex Parte Application (pdf )).

Remember that 24-hour notice to parties is required for ex-parte hearings. Notice requirements are strictly observed by this court.

Guardianship matters require a 5-day personal service of notice on natural parents of minors, giving them 5 days to respond to the court. Minors who will come under the guardianship must be personally served with notice if they are age 12 or older.

Conservatorship matters require a 5-day personal service of notice upon the proposed conservatee.

How to Contact a Probate Examiner Regarding Probate Notes

After reviewing the probate notes on the website, you may email a probate examiner. (Email is checked daily and you should receive a response within 24 hours)

However, keep in mind the examiner may only answer procedural questions. Examiners may not give legal advice or advise you how to handle your matter.

Email a Probate Examiner relating to Probate Notes

Pursuant to Probate Code 2340, the court no longer maintains a list of private professional fiduciaries. Private professional fiduciaries are now licensed by the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau pursuant to Probate Code 60.1. Contact information for the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau is provided below:

Professional Fiduciaries Bureau

Post Office Box 989005

West Sacramento , CA. 95798-9005

Telephone: 916.574.7340

Fax: 916.574.8645

Professional Fiduciaries Bureau Website (external site )

Riverside County Local Rule 7118 sets forth the eligibility requirements of Probate appointed counsel. Should an attorney be interested in being considered to be on the court-appointed counsel list for the Riverside County Superior Court, they must file the following application and attachment:

GC-010 Certification of Attorney Qualifications

Attachment to GC-010 Certification of Attorney Qualifications