Tentative Rulings
Tentative Rulings Postings
Tentative Rulings for each law & motion matter will be posted on the Internet by 3:00 p.m. on the court day immediately before the hearing.
If you do not have Internet access or if you experience difficulty with the posted tentative rulings, you may obtain the tentative ruling by calling 760.904.5722.
Oral Argument Requests
Any party that intends to present oral argument at the hearing is required to notify the court and all opposing parties by 4:30 p.m. on the court day prior to the hearing of the party's intention to appear.
To request oral argument, not later than 4:30 p.m. on the court day before the hearing you must (1) call the judicial secretary at 760.904.5722 and (2) inform all other parties. If no request for oral argument is made by 4:30 p.m., the tentative ruling will become the final ruling on the matter effective the date of the hearing. Unless otherwise noted, the prevailing party is to give notice of the ruling.
Rulings by Region
Blythe Courthouse
Palm Springs Court
Menifee Justice Center
Historic Courthouse
- Department 01 - Honorable Harold Hopp
- Department 02 - Honorable Carol Greene
- Department 03 - Honorable Chad Firetag
- Department 04 - Honorable Daniel A. Ottolia
- Department 05 - Honorable John D. Molloy
- Department 06 - Honorable Eric Keen
- Department 07 - Honorable O.G. Magno
- Department 10